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Ron Youde

16 Questions for Christ-Followers

Recently, a new friend and Christian brother inspired me to consider several thought-provoking questions for Christ-followers. The idea behind this post is that we as Christians should know whether we are, as Paul says, "in the faith." We should also be thoughtful about our witness before others. For these reasons, it is important that we regularly evaluate our own conduct against Biblical standards.

First, if you are not a Christ-follower, please understand that “good behavior” does not result in eternal life. Salvation is by faith alone and not good works (Eph. 2:8-9). The questions below relate to a heart attitude that results from giving your life to Christ. These attributes that should characterize the life of the Christians you know, so I encourage you to share this post with them. Then, if you have not confessed your sin and given your life to Christ, please do so now (John 3:16). Do not wait. The penalty for sin is death, but the free gift from God is eternal life. However, this gift only comes through calling Jesus your Savior and Lord (Rom. 6:23).

If you are a Christ-follower, each of the following questions touches on a different mark of the true believer. The spiritual growth of a Christ-follower never ends. It is a lifelong process.

For the believer, introspection should always be free from condemnation (Rom. 8:1). Christ paid the price for you. His victory over sin was decisive and you received the gift of eternal life through Jesus Christ. You have been redeemed and set free. Therefore, examine yourself carefully (2 Cor. 13:5), but do not judge yourself harshly, be discouraged, or become despondent (1 Cor. 4:3).

The list is not intended to be consumed all at once. The reader should take considerable time to understand the heart of each question and then examine one’s progress in that area. I recommend taking on one question each day. Search some related Bible passages in the morning, contemplate them throughout the day, reach a conclusion later in the day about your own growth in that area, and set some measurable goals for yourself.

Choose whether you want to partner with another believer in this journey. It could be particularly useful within a mentoring relationship. Provide input and accountability to each other but do so lovingly and only if it is requested.

Whether you study together or alone, avoid comparing yourself to others. Christ is the standard. This standard is defined in God's Word, so please open the scriptures to passages about Jesus’s life and about those who were committed to him.

Finally, if you “fail to meet the test” or, alternatively, if you are confident in your faith but you are lacking spiritual growth in one or more of these areas, I strongly recommend that you discuss this with your pastor, another trusted church leader, or a mature believer God has placed in your life. You can also reach out to me.

Okay, let’s begin!

  1. Do I enjoy fellowship with God? In other words, do I see things as God sees them and share His desires?

  2. Do I regularly read God’s word to keep me humble, discern truth from error, and inspire me to live like Jesus?

  3. Does the fruit of the Spirit in my life (love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control) lead others to believe that I am a child of God?

  4. Am I charitable with my time and resources toward people who are sick, poor, elderly and needy?

  5. When I or others experience pain and despair, do I cry out to God the Father for comfort and healing?

  6. Do I experience answered prayer and praise God in good times and bad?

  7. Do I describe the events of my life through the reality of God’s love, grace, discipline, mercy, provision, and nurturing?

  8. Do I control my tongue by being honest, speaking gently (not harshly), turning away gossip, and being a peacemaker rather than sowing discord?

  9. Am I controlled by impulsive behavior or are my decisions thoughtful, measured, and consistent with God’s word?

  10. Am I saddened by sin (especially my own) and its effect on my life?

  11. Do I see a decreasing pattern of sin in my life because I am growing and maturing in my faith?

  12. Am I increasingly despised and rejected by non-believers because I remain steadfast in my faith and refuse to compromise my Christian principles?

  13. Do I love other Christ-followers, feel comfortable in their presence, seek their counsel, and honor those who fear the Lord?

  14. Do I have a sincere desire to see others confess their sin, express their need for a savior, and give their lives to Christ?

  15. Do I say out loud to others that Jesus Christ is the blameless Son of God, that he died and rose again victorious over death and sin, that he is Lord over all the earth, and that faith in him is the only way to have eternal life?

  16. Do I eagerly anticipate Christ’s return and the end of evil in this world?

God bless,

Ron Youde, Swift Sunrise, Inc.

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